Our goal at Hey Sistah is to highlight people making a difference in the world of food. Having just celebrated Caesar Chavez Day, we want to call attention to the incredible achievements of Dolores Huerta who co-founded the first farm workers unions WITH Cesar Chavez. Born in New Mexico on April 10th 1930, she is 88 today! Activist, feminist, civil rights leader and mother of ELEVEN.
Dolores Huerta is one of the greatest activists in American history, and brought feminism and environmentalism to the fight for the United Farm Workers union. UFW successfully led several fair-wage strikes for farm workers and paved the way for them to practice collective bargaining, as they were excluded from the the Fair Labor Standards Act until 1966.
After resigning from the UFW she went back to her root in community organizing and continues to work tirelessly developing leaders and advocating for the working poor, women, and children.
In 2012 she received the presidential medal of freedom in her acceptance she said, ” The great social justice changes in our country have happened when people came together, organized, and took direct action. It is this right that sustains and nurtures our democracy today. The civil rights movement, the labor movement, the women’s movement, and the equality movement for our LGBT brothers and sisters are all manifestations of these rights.
“Dolores” the movie is a Carlos Santa production, written and directed by Peter Bratt. The film is an incredible look at her life and her achievements and should be required viewing for all.
To learn more about Dolores and the work continues to do at 88 years young check out the Dolores Huerta Foundation